The Challenge

Identification of services damage, and those worthy of retention required detailed surveying of the areas, once the structure had been made safe. The extent of scope wasn’t limited to the direct area as the knock-on effect the fire had on services went further afield, and identification of damage required initial scoping of investigation works.

A further challenge came from the buildings operation in use being maintained which posed considerations for retention of live service during the works and the approach to how works could be carried out.

Client: Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council
Location : Nuneaton
Sector: Public Sector
Surveyors : Promission

The Solution

An initial scope document was issued detailing the extent of further investigations required, this allowed a demarcation of strip out to be determined, followed by site visits to enhance the scope of works

Full M&E specification was then drafted detailing the contractor's requirements for a scope of works area, and services to be renewed.

Due to the retention of live services, a scope was prepared for their temporary protection during the new/replacement works, and heightened levels of fire detection detailed.

In order to have the building back to full operation a pragmatic review of modifications and minor extensions to existing cabling provisions as opposed to a complete strip-out, thus decreasing the works program.

Could a project present us with anymore complexities; from our integration with an operable building, demolition of existing structures, complex ground solutions, dealing with statutory authorities and construction within a densely populated residential area capped off with a blast of COVID-19, yet it has been a pleasure to deliver this outstanding and eye-catching facility on behalf of Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council.

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